Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm on the 7th chapter

I really meant to write a sequel to Beyond the Shimmer Gate as my next book. I've even written 5 chapters. Grace's granddaughter is in this one. Through no fault of her own Grace escapes from men with guns through a shimmer gate pulling her granddaughter, Honey Jo, behind her. She didn't mean to. She didn't want to. It just happened and as she ran through the gate dragging the terrified girl with her she whispered, "Her mother is going to kill me for this."

But...I kept thinking about the trick or treaters and Mrs. Campbell's dark house. I thought about her blood soaked body laying inside the door they were knocking on. Then there was poor Virgil Abbot and his dog. Something needed to be done about these people and the tragic way they died.

Their houses were locked. No outside enterance. And yet someone or something had scratched and gnawed the poor souls to death. Detective Mark Soddard needed help. No way he could handle this one in the usual way.

So I got involved.

There had to be a setting. Readers want to visionalize where the story is taking place. I knew it was in Mossouri because of their soil and their history. I knew it had to do with the Ozarks. Had to be a place where there were thick woods, forest even. The only place this town could be located was Near Salem, Mo. I looked it up on a google map. Sure enough...I could tell that Archer City was right there...and I marked the area with a big star.

There's no name for the book yet. There are 7 chapters. And that's how I write a book. This town and the people living and dying in it will stay on my mind. Just below consicious thought and as if my thought pattern is liquid, they surface ever so often to be taken further.

More later, ya'll, Shelly


  1. Looks like I always write on the first day of the month.

    I'm over 100 pages, about one/third of the way through the book. About a Wendigo. The name of the book will have Tunnel. Could say Tunnels but that's not as strong as the singular word. Could name it Terrible Tunnels, Blood Thirsty Tunnel, Taunting Tunnels, Tunnel of the Dead, ah well.

    The Wendigo is mostly Native American folklore. Mostly found in Canada. Has to do with icy cold weather. And hunger. Lots of hunger. This monster is a canibal. Humans who are infected are said to have a wendigo phycosis.

    It's late, I'm tired and can't spell...until another first of the month.

  2. We are having a community garage sale. Really not a community, just three of us. Not a garage will be in the mssting room. Not too sure about the sale part either. Last time i made $20 and bought $30 of other people's things.

    I've decided to name the book, The Last Tunnel. I've decided to make the monister more acceptable perhaps bring out a feeling of sympathy. That's not an easy thing to do with a flesh-eating, lipless, foul smelling,creature of the night. How would one make a shark appealing?

  3. Shelly trueist:

    If a man has a chain saw...he will use it on Sunday morning.

  4. Shelly trueism

    It is really hard to get away from a talkative woman.

  5. We had our annual Halloween luncheon. Fried Chicken. I suppose that if Halloween has a traditional dish it just as well be crispy chicken. No wait!!! That's the summer Fourth of July fare with potato salad and watermelon.

    That's it then. Turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ham for New Years and Easter, and Fried chicken for the Fourth and Halloween. It's official.

  6. Welcome David Chin. My first visitor. I can tell you are a man of good taste and integerity.

    I come in here and shout "Helloooooooo" and my voice echos up and down the empty corridors of this blog like the West Texas wind across the Pan Handle.

    I've had a real saddness lately. i clicked on my profile page and about half way down, in bright red letters it said, "Shelly Harris has no friends at this time."

    Never before, in my life, have I been out of friends. Alot of them died, some are of the opposite political party and a couple got upset about that incident last year, but I had no idea they were all just...gone.

    So David I am really glad to see you and please come back soon. Shelly

  7. Shelly Trueism

    The last thing a man wants to hear his wife say after midnight is... "Honey, this lady's car broke down and could you...?"
